Sunday, June 6, 2010

A Season of Changes

This past week has been my final week of classes for the first semester. I have a week of study leave, then exams on the 18th and 24th, and then two weeks' break. But what I found really interesting was when I talked to my friend S about the required points to graduate. She found out she only has to take one more course next semester in order to graduate. She has 370 points. I have 527. So I asked the course advisers at the University to do a points calculation for me and work out whether I have enough to graduate early. I'm still currently waiting to find out!

The prospect is both tremendously exciting and scary at the same time. There are so many changes happening in my life all at once and it can seem a bit overwhelming. My fiancee and I are hopefully going to be looking for our first property at the end of the year. It will be so nice to not be renting, no house inspections, we can hang things on the walls where we like, and can decorate it as we like! I can tell you I am thoroughly sick of white walls and cheap carpet that is the colour of Silly Putty. Although it does conceal cat fur very well, lol!

So I have also started looking at the job vacancies as well to get an idea of what is out there. Ideally I'd love to work at the Museum or the National Archives, but I may just volunteer for them while I look for work and see what happens. I don't have any grand dreams or goals for my career, I'm not looking to climb the ladder quickly and be rich. I just want to do a great job every day in which ever job I end up doing, and enjoy life outside of work. I don't want to work to pay for a lifestyle I can't afford, either. A lot of my neighbors are doing that. They lease expensive cars but if you look in their houses they have NO personal touches. They're literally working to pay for the cars and the jewelery and the fancy dinners out. I don't want that. I like to work.

All of these changes are quite overwhelming, but also wonderful. There have been so many years when mental illness has held me back from even daring to dream of something better and different in my life. My life is so much better now and I can see more great changes to come. I am starting to have a full, happy, healthy life that I never dreamed possible. And I am so glad for that.


Naomi Santoro said...

The best of luck to you, Lynnaire! And it doesn't really matter if you graduate now or in the fall/winter. You are on your way!

SafetyGirl said...

Thanks Naomi! :)