Sunday, June 20, 2010

Look What The Cat Dragged In

Sadly, there are some times when drama cannot be avoided in one's life. Yesterday was a prime example. We managed to have a bit of a lie-in and a relaxing morning, but I was feeling a bit cooped up so we decided to go for a bit of a drive around the bays. However, as we go out the door, who should we see in the window of the house next door...but Hazel. And the neighbor wasn't home. She was crying out to us but there was nothing we could do but wait until the neighbor got home and hope she wasn't going down south to her parents for the weekend like she does.

Thankfully, at about 6:45pm the neighbor came home and Orlon went to see her but Hazel must have dashed out unseen when the neighbor first opened her door because she was nowhere to be found. So we thought, OK, she'll be home soon. We waited. And waited. And waited. At 9:00pm Orlon went searching around the neighborhood with the flashlight but Hazel was nowhere to be seen. My biggest worry was that in Hazel's blind panic to get out, she'd run across the road and gotten bowled by a car. Thankfully next to our apartments there is a vacant lot that all of the neighborhood cats frequent when they want to go somewhere.

It got to about 10:45 and I started crying. This wasn't like Hazel at all. I was prepared to stay up all night if I had to and start searching for her at daylight. But then at 11:00, who should come running through the catflap but Hazel! We cried with relief, smothered her in cuddles and she was a bit bewildered by the whole thing. Needless to say even though she wanted to go out again after that we shut the cat flap and she settled to sleep on the bed.

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