Friday, June 11, 2010

Riding the Bad Mood Waves

I try my darndest to keep things here upbeat and inspirational, but sometimes it can be exceptionally hard. This weekend has been a nightmare. Firstly, on the Friday, I pinched a nerve in my back. I'm still in pain. There's been a lot of negativity flying around. I'm stressed beyond belief because I have my father in law visiting tomorrow and then I have four days to study for my Reformation exam. It's the kind of thing that makes me want to just crawl under a suitable sized rock. Or, better yet, fly away to somewhere warm and sunny and tropical where I can eat fruit all day and snorkel with turtles and stingrays. I may live on an island myself but it's far from tropical!

Normally, to get rid of this stress I would get in a kickboxing session or go out for a walk to at least get some fresh air and sunshine but with my back it's been impossible. So I sort of had to surrender to it today. I had to rest up, so I took the opportunity to catch up on magazines I'd bought but hadn't read yet. As for the depression and frustration I was feeling, I have been having to ride the waves in regards to it and hope that tomorrow is a better day. I vented to some close friends who would understand what I was going through, and I'm writing this out here as well, though I have omitted much of my drama because it's dull and boring and I'm trying to keep as upbeat as possible!

The one thing that the pain in my back did was it told me that my life was out of balance. That I was under so much stress and strain that it was affecting my muscles. It also told me that I am very out of condition, a sure sign I need to start pounding the pavement again, even just to clear my head for the exams.
And maybe I'll eat fruit all day regardless of being unable to access a tropical island and snorkeling with turtles and stingrays.

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