Monday, May 24, 2010

Waiting for the Weekend

Today was a bit of a turning point in terms of life at the moment. The past two weeks I have been basically a slave to this darn Reformation essay. It's been the most difficult experience I've had in the entirety of my academic career. On Monday I had made a strategic plan of how to cope with the current situation: finish collating my notes on Monday, print them out on Tuesday, do 1000 words on Tuesday, 1000 on Wednesday, 1000 and the bibliography on Thursday. If on any of those days I felt particularly ambitious and on a roll I might do a bit extra.
So there I was this morning in the computer labs at university when I suddenly double checked the essay question. It said; "Why was religious change followed by civil war in France but not in England?" Oh crap. I had focused much of my research on England but not France. I felt my bowels turn to water and desperately wanted to cry. Instead I reigned it in and in a last ditch attempt I went to the University library, thinking, ok, knowing my luck there won't be any books to help me in the Three Day Loan section. But I trudged to the relevant section...and there in front of me were two books on Reformation France that I hadn't seen since the start of the course. Grabbing them I actually did a victory dance that was half Snoopy Dance, half back spasm. And since it was only about 10:30am at that stage, I photocopied the relevant parts I needed and then I put the books back in the 3 day loans in case somebody else was like me and desperately needed them.

The new research will help a great deal, considering one of the books is one which Dr J. uses on a regular basis and endorses. I think I will take tonight off though. I've spent most of the day sleeping because the past two days I have had crippling migraines and exhaustion. And then I got an email today asking me to confirm that I have all the prerequisites to graduate. I can't deal with that right now. Besides, I've decided to wait and graduate in April 2011 instead of at the end of the year. No biggie.

I am sorely looking forward to the end of all of this. I have a combination of nervous exhaustion, stress from my studies, stress from all of the changes happening around campus that have threatened my job, jobs of some of my friends and is threatening The Man's job as well. I cannot wait to just hand this God forsaken essay in. I think I'll sleep for much of the weekend, punctuated with dinner with my parents and coffee with a good friend of mine. The Man and I are thinking of getting away overnight somewhere nice, just to get out of the city and have a change of pace. We both need it.

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