Sunday, May 23, 2010

Close to (Academic) Freedom

It's Monday afternoon here, and thankfully I am making inroads on the research. I have one more book to look through and then I can begin writing tomorrow. I figure I'll do 1500 words tomorrow, 1500 on Wednesday and be able to hand it in on Thursday, effectively meaning that on Friday, my day off, I won't have to make a trip into uni to hand it in.
At least that's the plan...

It's not going to be a work of art. It's not even going to be a piece of academic brilliance. But I have to hand something in. I've had a constant headache all day and I put this down to my brain saying; "full! no more!" I've been stress eating chocolate chip cookies like it's nobody's business. I am sincerely looking forward to having my life back shortly. And at least next semester I get to spend all of my classes in the 20th century. What frustrates me is that I have lived and breathed Tudor history for 10 years but even I was stumped this time. And if I'm stumped....that's bad. I wonder if my fellow classmates are having as much difficulty as I am. It's been a hard road, that's for sure. I feel guilty because I've only been to two lectures in the past two weeks and the classes are nearly over. EEK.

It's been a challenge. But I guess that challenges are par for the course and I'm glad in a way that I have had a challenge and haven't just sailed through these years. I know, strange. But it will all be okay in the end. I'm close to freedom!

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