Thursday, May 20, 2010

So, this is a new beginning for me. I've mainly created this blog so that my new friends on Facebook can keep up with what's going on in my life. If anyone else is interested, well, that's a plus!

What can I tell you about myself? Well, I'm nearing my thirties and I'm in my last year of a Bachelor of Arts in History with a minor in Media and Communication Studies. Previously I studied for a bit towards a Bachelor of Teaching and Learning but found that teaching wasn't entirely for me. I then sort of drifted towards retail and definitely found it wasn't for me.

I also have battled with bouts of depression since I was 18 years old. It's taken that long for me to understand my condition and to be able to handle it when I have bouts of depression. I know that some people feel a bit squeamish about depression and don't know how to handle people who live with it on a daily basis. I'm here to talk about it openly because I want people to know, especially if they are battling with depression also, that sometimes in order to see a rainbow you have to wait through the rain. Hence my blog title. I also know how it feels to feel guilty about having depression. But a diabetic never feels guilty about their condition, they can't help it that their pancreas doesn't want to co-operate! It's the same for depression- I shouldn't feel guilty because my serotonin levels in my brain are making things go a bit kooky for a while. It took me a long time, a lot of acceptance and a really good doctor to make me see that.

I am a bit of a loner and have difficulty making friends. I put this down to years of relentless bullying in school for being 'weird' and bright. Now I embrace my kooky side and have managed to make a few very good friends who understand me. I find social events very stressful because I have trouble relating to people. I also suffered from social phobia for a while which tends to re-emerge when I'm particularly under stress.

I may sound a bit odd. And maybe to Joe Average, I am. But I am also a person with likes and dislikes, and even when my depression is bad there is still always something to laugh about or find beautiful in life. I think that's the key to enjoying life: the small things. Maybe it's that your regular coffee place gives you extra stamps on your rewards card because they know you, or the giggle of a child. Maybe it's the cat sleeping on your feet and purring happily. There is always something to look forward to and smile about. I'm hoping to capture some of those things in this blog and share them with you!