Friday, May 28, 2010

The Cat Who Walked Alone

This little sweetie is my Hazel. AKA Fuzzbutt, Butt-Butt, Maomao and Pusska!
This weekend she is being a wee bit of a diva. You see her 'daddy' is not home to play with her and shower her with attention so yours truly is having to be both mummy and daddy. She was fine yesterday but today she's been a nightmare. It's been wet and rainy for the past week. She will go out and then come back in and I'll dry her off with a towel (which she loves) but I think all of this rain is causing a little bit of cabin fever on her part. Today, every time I stepped into the kitchen she miaowed for food even though her bowl was full. I heated a mince pie for lunch, she started screaming at me, wanting some, and then waited patiently at my feet for a bite (which she never got). My parents came over for a coffee and after mum and dad paid her some more attention she finally settled down and went to sleep!

I complain, but I do love her. She came to us as a stray, skinny with worms. When we couldn't track down her owners we made the decision to keep her. We've never regretted that decision. She is so incredibly intelligent, affectionate and sweet. And she came to us as a complete package- she was de-sexed and toilet trained to boot! We do spoil her, but The Man is a cat lover like myself and for years he had been dying to have a cat of his own but couldn't while he was flatting. Now that we live together it's the perfect situation and she walked into our lives and changed them forever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Rainbow---How gorgeous Hazel is!!! This is such a great picture of "Hazel the Diva!" LOL There is just something very special about stray cats, isn't there??? Since I have my very own stray Mom right now with her 5 kittens--I can totally relate. I can't believe how much Hazel looks like my "Little Mac":) From one cat lover to another!!