Sunday, August 29, 2010

Facing Facts

Yes, I have been AWOL on here for some time. I do apologise.
Life got in the way big-time. It also very much got in the way of my diet and exercise also.

I have a new job that I start today. I had to buy clothes on the weekend, and struggling to get into a size 16 skirt and nearly busting out of a size 18 top I suddenly realize that this is the largest I have ever been. I don't need the scales to tell me that. I know. I feel it, I see it. To add insult to injury, the advertising on the back of the dressing room stall's door is for the store's line of shapewear! What are they trying to say? I feel bad enough as it is with the hideous lighting illuminating every roll of fat!

But as I said, I am starting a new job, and with that I am hoping to change my life. My job is reasonably sedentary, but as I am only working four hours a week I will still be able to fit in a workout. In fact, I still have my university gym membership until 14 December, and from work the university is not that far away. My partner still works at the university, so what I can get him to do for me is for him to take my gym gear with him, I'll pop into his office and voila! Also, on the days I don't work out and the weather gets warmer and nicer, I will be able to walk home from work. It only takes about 30-40 minutes.

Thankfully, there are no vending machines at work, which is one of my 'trouble areas'. BUT I am 10 minutes from the mall, KFC is literally down the road from work, and there's a posh cafe right next door to the office. But I'm aware of my trouble zones, so that's okay.

I'm also beginning to realise that there are certain foods I cannot have in the house right now, because I can't be trusted not to binge on them: potato chips and cookies.

I got enough of a wake-up call in the changing rooms to really start thinking about what I'm doing to my body and spirit.

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